Privacy Policy

We understand and share your concern about privacy. We assure you that respects your privacy. We do collect passive information on products browsed via log files and we analyze this information in aggregate to ensure our site is merchandised in a manner that adds the most convenience and value to our customers. When an order is placed, we collect basic information including your name, home address, phone, email address and credit card information. We use this information to confirm your order and to respond to any questions you may have. Where required, we also share this information with certain intermediaries (freight carriers, shipping companies and product manufacturers) strictly to process and ship your order.

In return for making a purchase or registering at our site, we offer to keep you informed of new and ongoing benefits, exclusive sales and promotions and other customer-only benefits. We appreciate any additional, optional information you are willing to share with us. This optional information helps us tailor your experience at our site, showing you content that we think might be interesting to you. Depending on the information you give us, we will also provide you with relevant information, and other special offers. has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information that we collect. We utilize a firewall and use SSL encryption to keep this information secure. We use your Internet protocol address to help identify you and your shopping cart, and to gather broad demographic information. Our site uses cookies to keep track of the items in your shopping cart so you don't have to re-enter them each time you visit.

If you have further questions about's privacy policy or have other comments on how we can improve the shopping experience, email us at We always enjoy hearing from you!

Thank you for shopping with

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